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[heading "PROGRAM OCTOBER 2-4"]
[heading "October 2-4 (9-11 AM)"]
Intro to MetaphysicsSermon Prep & Delivery IIIRitual & Liturgy IIIntuitive Development IISpiritual Marketing & PromotionsSpiritual Tarot
[heading "October 2-4 (12-2 PM)"]
Metaphysical Philosophy IIIChurch Constitution & By-LawsRitual & Liturgy IContemporary PreachingSymbols: Language of SpiritSermon Prep & Delivery II
[heading "October 2-4 (2:30-4:30 PM)"]
Metaphysical Philosophy InRitual & Liturgy IIInHealing in ScriptureDynamics of HealingHermetic Philosophy
[heading "October 2-4 6:00 PM TO 8:00 PM"]
Meditation IChurch Music Ministry
[heading "PROGRAM OCTOBER 5-7"]
[heading "October 5-7 (9-11 AM)"]
Metaphysical Philosophy IIMeditation IIIChurch/Study Group PlantingSpiritual AstrologyIntuitive Development ISermon Prep & Delivery IPublic Speaking
[heading "October 5-7 (12-2 PM)"]
Comparative ReligionsChildren’s MinistryOrigins of the BibleIntuitive Development IIISpiritual NumerologyLiturgy & Platform Decorum
[heading "October 5-7 (2:30-4:30 PM)"]
Praying in PublicLiturgical PreachingSpirit Communication in Scripture {or Metaphysical Ethics}Life Visioning
[heading "October 5-7 (6 PM to 8 PM)"]
Church Music Ministry
I acknowledge and give permission to be videoed and that said video maybe used at any time in the future at the discretion of the United Metaphysical Churches Educational Department
[heading ""]