This is an updated listing of our member churches and study groups from around the United States. They each lend their expertise to move our Denomination forward into the future.
Fort Wayne
J. Fisher, Pastor Emeritus
Ph: (260) 422-8600
Worshiping at:
1615 Wells Street
Fort Wayne, IN 46808
Sunday 5:00 pm
Thursday, with messages 7:30 pm
Healing prior to each service
Classes in Metaphysical Development, Meditation and Unfoldment.
Intensive Classes in platform decorum, Platform Mediumship and sermon presentation.
Our church building that once housed a bank at 1615 Wells Street in Fort Wayne has become known as “The Little Church with a Big Heart.” The original pastor, the Reverend Bernice Brock, received her charter for the Spiritualist Church of Divine Science on May 19, 1945. The Reverends Bernice and Omer Brock continued to serve the church until 1985. At that time, the Reverend Jay Fisher became Pastor and was assisted by the Reverend Edward Cummings until Reverend Cummings relocated in 1998.
On May 21, 1994, a new charter was established with the United Metaphysical Churches headquartered in Roanoke, Virginia, and the name changed to Church of Divine Science, Inc. growing our congregation from our original Spiritualist roots to members of all the Metaphysical faiths. In November 2006, Reverend Fisher retired. He remains Pastor emeritus. Today, along with Reverend Fisher, we are served by Reverend Roslyn Brundige, Reverend Sandra Mudrack, and many volunteers who serve the church in different capacities.
On Thursday evenings and Sundays, our doors have been open to the public and continue to remain open for all seeking spiritual understanding.
In February 2012, to reflect our ties to Divine Metaphysics, the name was again changed to what it is today, Fort Wayne Metaphysical Chapel.
Silver Spring
Pastor: James Webb
Ph: (301) 587-7200
Worshiping at:
National Labor College Auditorium #8
10000 New Hampshire Ave.
Silver Spring MD 20903
Mailing Address:
1901 Powder Mill Road
Silver Spring, MD 20903
Ph: 301-587-7200
Spiritual Healing & Meditation 10:30 am
Worship Service 11:00 am
Second Sunday of each month (Goddess)
Healing Circle, Wednesday, 6:30 pm
Meditation Circle, Wednesday, 7:30 pm
The Takoma Park Metaphysical Chapel was started by the Rev. Steven E. Woods on August 23, 1991. The congregation met at 7007 Carroll Avenue in Takoma Park, Maryland. When Rev. Woods branched out into other interests in his life, Rev. Brown appointed Rev. Jim Webb as the Pastor.
The church then moved to Silver Spring, Md., where it continued to grow until attendance necessitated a larger facility. Rev. Webb then undertook the responsibility of finding a new place with growth potential, thus resulting in the Chapel’s present location.
Pastor: Mary (Molly) Van Kirk Cortright / Carl Poleskey, Pastor Emeritus
Ph: (717) 399-4733
Worshiping at:
610 Second Street
Lancaster, PA 17603
Sunday Services 11:00 am
Meditation & Healing 10:30 am
Lancaster Metaphysical Chapel, formerly the Church of Divine Science and Revelation, was founded by Rev. Grace Lehman on December 7, 1986. Rev. Lehman came to Metaphysics through her association with Camp Silver Belle, Ephrata, PA. Initially services were held at the Holiday Inn in Lancaster. Through the generosity of Rev. Rhoda and Bob Patterson, the organization was able to purchase our beautiful little build- ing in the City of Lancaster. The building required many man hours of labor to make it useable.
In 2000, Rev. Sonja Taylor became the acting Senior Minis- ter and assisted the Chapel through a time of transition. Rev. Carl Poleskey then served as Senior Minister from 2000 until 2011. Currently, Rev. Molly Cortright serves as Senior Minis- ter of the Chapel.
The Chapel is forever indebted to many who have served and continue to serve, notably: Rev. Rhoda Patterson, Rev. Dick Stone, Rev. Stephen Cummings, Morgan West, Rev. Diane Dobberke, Rev. Frank Natale, Rev. Bob Miller, Rev. Reggie Cuffee, Rev. Serene Rose, as well as so many others.
We continue to grow.
Little River
Pastor: Alma H. Swartzwelder
Ph: (843) 347-6261
Worshiping at:
Life in Balance Spiritual Wellness Center
Big Barn Drive
Little River, SC 29566
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 513
Conway, SC 29528
Ph: (843) 347-6261
Meeting Every Sunday at 11:00 am
Lecture & Message Service Every 2nd Sunday
All Souls Metaphysical Chapel was established when the United Metaphysical Churches issued its charter in June 2003. The original congregants met in a Travelers Chapel in Conway, SC. This was a convenient place to meet as the doors of the small chapel are open for any who searched for spiritual enlightenment. Sunday services were held in this small building for six months before being moved to a room leased from Coastal Carolina University.
The ASMC chapel was set up and taken down each Sunday for morning service. Rev. Alma Swartzwelder conducted services for the congregation while it was without an ordained minister until she was ordained in October 2007. Since then the congregation had a small but steady increase in its members. Over the years many ministers have visited ASMC and contributed to the growth of this warm and loving church.
As of August 3 ASMC has moved from a leased room on the CCU campus to the Life and Balance Spiritual Wellness Center. Being able to have a designated “chapel” room in this location will allow for expanded service to the community and development of this intimate congregation as well as for all who seek spiritual enlightenment.
Worshiping at:
5618 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22205-1300
Ph: (703) 276-8738 Fax: (703) 276-1302
Sunday Morning Worship Service at 11:00 am
Spiritual Healing 1/2 hour before each worship service.
“AMC” was founded in 1981 by Rev. F. Reed Brown as a result of a study group held at Rev. Brown’s home on Military Road. The church building was originally the Bon Air Baptist Church. In 1949 it was sold to the Odd Fellows Lodge which then sold the building to the AMC Congregation.
The building was restored to its original interior design, removing dropped ceilings, restoring the chandelier ceiling in the main sanctuary, as well as adding central air conditioning and lighting. A Rogers 834 Organ and Model B Steinway Grand Piano were purchased to aid in the ministry of music. In subsequent years the homes on both sides of the Chapel were purchased for various uses such as Sunday School classrooms, choir rooms, and offices. Stained glass windows were donated by Mrs. Helen Saul and Rev. Pearl Kerwin.
The first carpet came out of the old Arlington County Courthouse and served well for a number of years. Parquet floors and new carpet were then installed a few years later. Beautiful gardens, with a fountain, have been developed encompassing the three properties which are available for meditation or simply observing the beauty of nature. The Chapel began with 105 charter members and continues to grow.
• F. Reed Brown, Pastor Emeritus (Nov 1981-July 2008)
• Rudolfo Careaga (Platform Chair July 2008-January 2009)
Pastor Jan 2009-Oct 2011)
• Jim Wilkins, Interim Pastor (Nov 2011-Sep 2012)
• Sally Ann Knuckles, Pastor (September 2012–2016)
• Brian Funk, Pastor (September 2016–2019)
• Nancy Jones, Pastor (2019-2021)
Pastor: Francis Reed Brown
Phone: (540) 562-5122
Worshiping at:
1488 Peters Creek Rd, Roanoke, VA 24017
9:30 am Adult Study
10:30 am Spiritual Healing & Meditation
11:00 am Worship Service
11:00 am Children’s Sunday School
1st Sunday of every month: 12:00 noon Potluck Lunch
1st Wednesday of every month: All message service 7:30 pm
After UMC purchasing the Roanoke property in 1994, the local people in Roanoke wanted to become a Chartered UMC Church. On August 15, 1999, Charter #13 was issued to the Roanoke Metaphysical Chapel with the following officers and Pastor:
President & Pastor: Rev. Stephen H. Duncan
Vice President: LaRue Sherman
Secretary: Ann Gilmer
Treasurer: Robert (Bob) Murray
Trustees: Melody Turner, JoEllen Morris, Lester Duenk, Gerald Lehman & Ramona Morris.
Past Pastors:
Rev. Stephen H. Duncan
Rev. Al Florey
Rev. Ramona Morris
Rev. Patty Allen
Rev. Mike Perry