1 – Value all people – Our world and our perception changes when we learn to add value to the lives of others and being able to lead with love and service.
2 – Living Intentionally – Living a life of intention will help bring a person’s path into focus and give a life of meaning. When we focus on what we can do today, opportunities that we never saw before will appear before our eyes.
3 – Exceed Expectations – Giving more than expected will accelerate your spiritual growth, give meaning to your life, and support the entire UMC organization and its mission.
4 – Growth Focus – Growth supports energy, which is essential to living. The more we know, the more we realize we don’t know. Constant and never-ending improvement should be embedded in our DNA.
5 – Demonstrating a Positive Attitude – As you grow spiritually, you will realize that everything does truly happen for a reason- even if it isn’t currently apparent. Good will come out of every situation. Demonstrating a positive attitude will help foster that vision and relieve stress, worry, and anxiety.
6 – Transformation – Kindness and forgiveness transform everything. Letting the past go, will help you make peace in the present. Ask what in yourself is being mirrored in the other person. What are they teaching you?
7 – Equipping Others – The best way to help others it to equip them with the right tools and knowledge so that they are empowered to become leaders within the community.
8 – Leading by Example – The more leaders the better. Some people confuse being a leader with having a power position, which is false. Being a leader is all about influencing ourselves and those around us to be the best they can be.